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AI Driven Study Design and Remote Data Collection Platform

Emozo is a versatile and customizable survey tool, specifically designed for reaching respondents in the wild and collecting feedback remotely. Our special power is the ability to triangulate emotional and behavioral data with stated responses, on the same platform.

A combination of Affective Computing and Artificial Intelligence techniques ensures highly accurate data collection.

Intuitive guided navigation, pre-built templates and powerful analytics make adoption and usage a breeze.

Highly scalable and secure, client and respondent data and all PII are completely protected, at all times.

Platform features

Emozo Specializes in Mix of Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies.
We are tailored to help companies win customers’ hearts and minds

Functions we support

Studies we specialize in:


  • Concept testing
  • Product claim testing
  • Advertising testing (pre and post-launch)
  • Content and visual test
  • Product bundling options
  • Pricing test
  • Packaging test
  • Brand health monitoring
  • Competitive bench marking

New Product development

  • Idea testing
  • Concept testing
  • Feature selection
  • Naming
  • Packaging
  • Pricing
  • Feedback during test launch

Customer experience

  • Customer satisfaction across touchpoints
  • Net Promoter Score
  • Experience audit (online and offline)

Methods & analytical approaches:

Quantitative – surveys using descriptive statistics, monadic and A/B tests, driver analysis, cluster analysis, max-differential, TURF, simple conjoint

Qualitative – in depth-interviews, focus groups, emotion and attention response analysis to video and images

Mixed methods: remote unmoderated audits with in-context data collection with images and videos; remote unmoderated usability testing with screen capture and survey


Global reach with muliti-language support through mobile phones, PCs and tablets

Turnaround time

You can see basic reports with descriptive data as soon as data-collection starts

Seamless access to global panels of respondents

30M+ verified, empaneled respondents across 80+ countries, supporting both B2B and B2C research. Enabled through partners that are ISO certified and compliant with ESOMAR guidelines.

How does Emozo ensure superior data quality?